713.772.0157 - Local | 800.239.1361 - Toll-Free | office@aheconline.com

FAST Exam Ultrasound Training for Medical Professionals

When your practice begins to accept trauma patients, you'll need to be able to provide ultrasound services that include focused assessment with sonography for trauma, also known as FAST ultrasound. For FAST exam ultrasound training that covers all the essentials and more, look no further than Advanced Health Education Center (AHEC), located in Southwest Houston near the sprawling Texas Medical Center.

At AHEC, we provide thorough FAST exam ultrasound training designed to help medical professionals expand on their existing skills and repertoires. This course is ideal for professionals such as:

  • Physicians
  • Physician assistants
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Registered nurses
  • Ultrasound technicians
  • Paramedics

After completing our emergency medicine ultrasound course, participants will be able to successfully perform a trauma FAST exam. Our goal is to deliver a FAST exam ultrasound training course that instructs participants on the proper way to evaluate trauma patients for abnormalities around the heart and abdominal organs in those first critical moments. We also cover the important distinctions involved with scanning patients with special circumstances, such as first trimester pregnancy patients and catheter patients.

Our course begins with lecture, continues with case studies and concludes with hands on scanning. Hands on scanning is important because it helps patients gain an understanding of variations in scanning protocols. Our hands on scan labs are designed for participants to practice the essential skills and techniques to acquire an ultrasound image for quick and accurate diagnosis. The practice is done on live models, which is just one factor that makes our FAST exam ultrasound training unique. Thanks to this high quality class model, AHEC is a destination for physicians from all over the world.

Learn More About Our FAST Exam Ultrasound Training

If you are interested in learning more about this emergency medicine ultrasound course, view the course description for more information - then, contact AHEC to speak with a knowledgeable representative. Our contact information is below.

Call AHEC at (800) 239-1361, or take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will respond as soon as possible.